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London Hosting is a scheme matching hosts in London with spare room(s) to guests.
Objective is to have a hosting scheme operating in every London borough within 3 years.
Tommy works full time on this. Housing Justice formed out of the Catholic Housing Aid Society which was founded 60 yrs ago working with the homeless.

Focus is on asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds (NRPF). This means they don’t get housing or benefits despite there being no final decision on their asylum case. Most are homeless and sleeping on the streets, couch surfing or in Churches. The idea is to provide a room in a home on a temporary basis (few months) until they find their feet. They are mostly single (Council has a duty towards children or those with children) and people with some chance of getting asylum (ie a good claim) and have someone to advocate for them (NGO or legal support). These are people who have fallen through the net.
All hosts need DBS clearance (can be quick but sometimes takes months)
Currently 13 cleared as hosts and 45 coming on stream
8 guests have been housed (2 of whom have moved on to NASS – National Asylum Support Service which provides housing and minimal benefits).
Other small-scale hosting schemes around the country. Tommy trying to identify them and work with them. Work with Praxis based in Bethnal Green and working primarily with undocumented migrants
NACCOM hosting schemes outside of London

Interested? Contact Tommy Cloherty, Hosting Co-ordinator, Housing Justice
[email protected]
[email protected]
0203 544 8094
07827 947016